Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Using words that shakespeare created in a paragraph

So I was walking down the street, laughable and in fairyland, but i was about to become fortunes fool. I came upon some strange bedfellows and they wanted me to buy a chicken that was as dead as a doornail but neither rhyme nor reason could  overpower me and those bloodsucking eyesores could not get me to buy some chicken. A luck would have it they were men of steel and would not give up. It was circumstantial that they gave the chicken accommodation on the end of a fishing line which was an admirable feat for those punks. I then picked up something shiny on the ground and thought it was money but it was only a chocolate wrapper, all that glitters is not gold. As I stood up, I became pale-faced and went white as the driven snow for in front of me as a floating chicken. I did the natural human thing and urinated my self and then backed away from the unearthly thing, I thought 'what the dickens is going on?' Little did I know that I looked like a blinking idiot. Then to my amazement I saw that the chicken was on a string and not a unnatural super chicken at all. I became the laughing stock of the town, the game was up, every dog will have its day but this was not mine, the pranksters had been successful. I was late to work the next day and I was not rewarded for my tardiness, I had to nine own self be true, this one fell swoop would not be the be all and send all for I had planned a revenge most vile and zany.  

Monday, 3 June 2013

A Midsummer nights dream

The title of this play has many meanings. First of all the term 'midsummer' comes from the trope cycle where the spring is birth and winter is death, so midsummer is the peak, when everything is at its best. Nighttime is when things happen, we most often associate magic and the supernatural with night and the evening, night is when things happen. And dream, dream can mean many things, in old English 'dream' meant music and entertainment and in old high German 'dream' meant a ghost. A dream can be that affects your whole day and has a positive impact but on the other hand, a dream can be very negative and traumatising, for example a nightmare. But dreams can get confused with reality and become deceptions. All of theses themes must be taken into consideration when looking at the title of a midsummer nights dream.